Stu Pollock retired from the Army in 2010. He had a long desire to invest in Real Estate as a wealth building tool. He bought his first house in 1989 and still owns it. He moved back to Virginia in 2003 where his wife became a successful Realtor. He considered going into home inspection as a retirement gig, took a course to become qualified, but ended up staying in the Army for another 5 years. At that point he decided not to go into home inspection because he didn't want to spend his days crawl spaces. This training has proven valuable in the buying and maintaining of houses. Upon retiring he started his venture with a wholesale deal from a fellow TRIG member, hired a contractor and got to work. During the last 10 year he has used Real Estate investing to earn a VERY comfortable living, increase his wealth, and free up time to take care of aging parents through the freedom of self employment. He buys houses to flip and hold for rentals. His current goal is to pay off the rentals for larger cash flow. He holds a Class A Residential Building License.
Contact Stu Here:
Stratus Properties